Find Your Keys: Tackling Trailing Docs Tracking Post-Close

Find Your Keys: Tackling Trailing Docs Tracking Post-Close
Do you have a friend who is constantly trying to find their keys or wallet? If you know this person, you also know that their endless searching is a time-consuming and frustrating experience that sometimes results in them being late for family get-togethers, important meetings, etc. I have a “friend” who falls victim to the blackhole that eats keys and I… er, “my friend”, got herself an Apple Air Tag to track said keys. Let me tell you, technology today can save friendships.
With this in mind, let’s consider that for many, trailing documents in post-closing are the “Lost Keys” of the mortgage operation.
If you find yourself on a wild goose chase for missing documents, you are not so far off from that perpetually late friend that you are way too hard on. And, like that friend with her savvy use of Apple Air Tag, the technology is available to help your organization track those documents and ensure they reach their required destination on time. More costly than being late for a date, missing documents are trouble for originators, servicers, and investors alike.
When it comes to mortgage document management, there are many ways that key fumbling can ruin a day. We are talking about reputation risk, QC nightmares, regulatory repercussions, fees, and fines. As for investors, incomplete loan packages tarnish loan/ portfolio salability, costing them money.
Beyond the timeliness of document delivery, issues with loan package quality can threaten the foundation of your post-closing operations. When duplicates and misplaced documents infiltrate your loan files, cracks begin to appear, threatening the very foundation of your operations.
The good news? These issues with document tracking are solvable with technology.
DocGenius Technology
The technology to track these documents is available and Indecomm’s DocGenius applications are designed to ensure accurate documentation, tracking, and communication at every step. With its end-to-end trailing document management platform, missing documents are a thing of the past.
So, if you’re tired of playing hide-and-seek with your documents, if you refuse to let cracks undermine your operations, and if you’re determined to turn investor frowns upside down, it’s time to make the switch. DocGenius applications offer some incredible features that give you a 360-degree view of document management risks. It is incredibly effective at keeping your post-closing team compliant and on-time. Unlike other systems, DocGenius:
- Is designed around the expected return date (ERD) of documents at every stage of post-closing.
- Offers a centralized and real-time view of all critical trailing docs while driving a streamlined settlement process from beginning to end.
- Provides a global view of all lending channels
- Allows for easy access to key agent/correspondent lenders and clients
- Automates email and phone follow-up
- Provides insights around agent and lender performance with peer rankings
- Lien release and recording document tracking systems
- Robust data and interactive reporting
If the tech capabilities of DocGenius don’t tickle your trailing doc funny bone, consider that DocGenius includes comprehensive support for post-closing processes. You aren’t on your own.
DocGenius-enabled Post-Closing HUB
What many lenders don’t realize is that beyond Indecomm’s Genius technology, Indecomm has a well-established post-closing HUB, complete with a state-of-the-art document center, which leverages DocGenius applications to streamline the following:
- Mortgage post-closing document audits
- Trailing document management
- Assignments, lien release management, and tracking
- Mail away and e-recording servicing with 2000+ eRecord jurisdictions
- Alignment with MERS templates
- State-of-the-art document control center (you should see this place!)
- And, a whole host of related services extending into Loan Boarding, Compliance, Post-close QC (using AuditGenius), Servicing Solutions, BPS, and more
If you continue to lose your metaphorical “keys” in the post-closing process, it might be time to consider effective trailing doc management technology! Indecomm’s DocGenius makes missing documents a relic of the past. If your team is ready for timely, compliant document management, request a demo of DocGenius here: