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Solutions | Fulfillment

Fulfillment for greater agility

Reduce overhead costs and gain control over your internal resources with a scalable fulfillment model built with mortgage industry volume shifts in mind

mortgage fulfillment for business agility

Fulfillment for greater agility  

As the market shifts, mortgage lenders require solutions that increase business agility and address resource and cost constraints. Indecomm delivers an automation-enabled mortgage fulfillment solution that allows you to scale origination operations to meet changing market conditions.

Comprehensive services

Whether you are a retail, wholesale, or correspondent lender, Indecomm’s mortgage fulfillment solution helps you operate efficiently. Our solutions span origination from set-up, initial disclosures, processing, and underwriting through closing.

Variable cost model

Don’t let tight margins hinder productivity or create operation risk. We help you better manage operation costs by helping you shift your fixed costs to a variable per-loan pricing model so that pay for only the resources you need.

Tech-enabled support

  • Automation plus talent approach creates process efficiencies
  • BotGenius makes repetitive mortgage tasks effortless
  • Our team seamlessly picks up on processes where bots leave off

Efficient origination for reduced churn

Our mortgage fulfillment offers lenders more than greater efficiencies. Using our automation tools and expert origination process services, lenders improve efficiencies behind the scenes and reduce churn with improved customer turn times

  • Scale capacity

    Pairing smart automation with Indecomm talent ensures that each task is completed with maximum efficiency and quality

  • Improve cost management

    We combine a variable cost model with automation tools to give lenders greater business agility and better control over costs

  • Access to innovation

    Our mortgage automation solutions simplify and streamline cumbersome processes and seamlessly integrate with major LOS', accelerating speed-to-use

  • Global delivery model

    Our global teams provide “follow the sun” coverage for all US time zones, accelerating processing and closing timelines

Enabling an agile origination operation

Tech-enabled mortgage fulfillment that delivers greater business agility and cost control.

New Loan Set-up

  • Gain efficiency and reduce time to closing by ensuring correct loan submission
  • Accurate document stacking and indexing for all critical submission documents
  • Seamless ordering of all third-party required documents
  • Review submission file completeness
  • Timely client notifications for missing documents
  • Automated task management using smart mortgage bots



  • SAFE Act compliant and can provide processing support in states where licensed
  • Borrower welcome calls, notifications, conditions clearing, and follow up
  • Loan file review of POS documents and follow up for missing documents
  • LOS support functions including data and document inputs
  • Review and validate loan file data
  • Assign documents to conditions, upload conditions, and assign for review
  • Loan underwriting preparation, including assignment, data input, initial underwriting review powered by DecisionGenius
  • Loan approval communication and support


Initial Disclosures

  • Confirm the presence of required documentation and fees in the loan file and review for accuracy.
  • Missing document notifications
  • Data entry into the client LOS
  • Generate initial loan estimate (LE), settlement service provider list (SSPL), intent to proceed, and complete disclosure package
  • Review change of circumstance (COC) requests for validity
  • Generate revised loan estimate and applicable revised disclosures



  • Review the application and mortgage loan amount including taxes, insurance, HOA fees, and other collateral costs
  • Analyze the borrower’s employment history
  • Calculate the borrower’s monthly income and assets, with the option to supercharge income analyses with IncomeGenius
  • Identify loans and payments that are secured by properties owned by the borrower(s)
  • Analyze the borrower’s credit history for monthly obligations for accurate DTI, public records, and red flags
  • Review property history and servicing pay histories
  • Account for monthly payments such as vehicles, credit cards, personal loans, and student loans along with any child support / alimony payments
  • Review all data validations and verifications populated from the AUS results
  • Evaluate the borrower’s assets in savings and cash reserves
  • Determine if the borrower has investments such as stocks, money market funds, IRAs, CDs, retirement accounts
  • Determine other sources of capital such as loan down payment programs, matching fund programs, and side businesses
  • Identify any assets or property owned that may be used as collateral
  • Review fraud tools
  • Analyze title commitments prior to closing for proper vesting, liens, and clouds in the title



  • Support closings for all products and programs
  • Validate fees with the closing agent
  • Prepare closing disclosures and e-delivery to borrowers
  • Confirm borrower receipt of closing disclosure
  • Ensure any fee changes are within tolerance limits
  • Work with parties to make any necessary changes to ensure compliance
  • Establish document date based on final closing disclosure acknowledgment
  • Generate and deliver closing documents to the closing agent
  • Leverage machine learning and automation tools as an optional addition to our services for automated document review
